Advanced Cosmetic Procedures

Aesthetics & Specialised Treatments

Our advanced electrolysis specialist can offer you an effective treatment for skin disorders and blemishes:

Thread veins


Skin tags



Consultation for 15mins - £25.00

Cost will be deducted from the first treatment.


Prices vary depending on the skin disorder and area size, so please ask our therapist.

Thread Veins


These are permanently dilated capillaries. They have very thin walls which constantly dilate and constrict. As we age, these vessels lose their elasticity and can become permanently dilated.

There are numerous causes including: ageing, sun-damage, hereditary, pregnancy, trauma e.g. the rubbing of spectacles and smoking. Energetic sports, temperature extremes, harsh weather exposure, hormones and skin fragility are also common causes.

They are commonly seen in a maturing ‘English rose’ complexion.

Blood Spots


Bright red, superficial vascular blemishes these are often dome shaped or slightly raised and are frequently found on the midriff.

Most people aged over 30 have at least one and they are often more common in men than women.



There are various types of warts including plane, common, filiform and verrucas and all can be easily and successfully treated using electrolysis.

These types of warts can develop individually or in clusters and are highly contagious.

Seborrhoeic Keratosis


Although these are classified as part of the wart family they are not contagious and very common on the head face and body. Associated with increasing age, mature skins, sun damage they also have genetic links.

Growing up to 2 inches across they are often dry, crusty and considered cosmetically unattractive.



Facial, Lip, half and full arm, stomach - From £13.00



This treatment uses the Sterex digital diathermy system. Electrolysis is a method of removing individual hairs from the face or body.

A very fine probe is inserted into the hair follicle and heat is applied in order to weaken the hair root.

10 mins - £20.00

15 mins - £25.00

20 mins - £29.00

25 mins - £33.00

30 mins - £37.00

Facial & Leg Veins

During my laser vein treatment, I received a full explanation of the procedure & was always told what was going on this was very reassuring.

I am very pleased with the results thank you.
— Alyson – 56

Facial thread veins or broken veins (telangiectasia) are small unsightly superficial red, purple or blue veins that usually occur around the nose but can spread out and into the cheeks. Thread veins occur when the vein dilates and becomes large enough to be visible through the transparency of the skin.

They are caused by a variety of factors including exposure to sunlight, wind and the extremes of temperature, trauma to the skin, and genetics. The over use of steroid creams and certain auto immune conditions may also induce thread veins. Often the exact cause is unknown.

Prominent unsightly leg veins are a very common problem. Causes include prolonged standing, pregnancy, obesity, hormones, ageing and heredity.

Venous Lake


Venous Lake (which is also known as Phlebectases) is generally a solitary, soft, compressible lesion which is dark blue in colour.

They are found on the vermillion border of the lip, the face and ears. These lesions are believed to be caused by sun exposure and occur mainly among the elderly.

The Venous Lake is successfully treated by laser.

Pigmented Lesions

My age was beginning to show, my face & chest was covered with pigmentation marks. I could hide my chest with clothing but not my face.

However two painless treatment’s that’s all it took, & now not only do I feel & look ten years younger, I’m back to wearing my low tops again.
— Pamela – 50

All pigmented lesions contain melanin, it conveys colour to hair and skin and functions to protect the skin from sun exposure.

The quantity of melanin in the skin is increased by sunlight, resulting in the process known as tanning.

Lasers are effectively used for the treatment of pigmented lesions because they can selectively target the darker area with little or no damage to the surrounding skin.

Laser light is absorbed by the pigment melanin, where it is converted into heat causing break-up of the darker areas.

Lasers are ideal for treating the following pigment problems:-

• Brown age spots (also called liver spots or solar lentigines) are pigment accumulations in the upper layer of the skin due to sun exposure.

They all occur on the face, neck, chest and back as well as fore arms and hands.

• Freckles (epithelides) are small spots of concentrated pigment stimulated by the sun that remain in stable

locations on sun exposed areas.

• Café-au-lait spots are light brown in colour and can be small or large and appear on any part of the body.

Pigmentation will need 2-3 treatments for maximum benefits.



Rosacea is a condition involving the face that results in a “blush” of redness and progresses from intermittent to consistent. It is associated with prominent blood vessels, open pores and skin eruption similar to acne. Symptoms usually commence between the ages of 30 to 50.

The signs of rosacea are:

– Redness of the face or cheeks.

– A tendency to flushing or blushing.

– Acne like skin eruptions.

– Burning sensation of the face.

The cause of Rosacea is unknown and it cannot be cured but can be controlled with the laser facial to improve the appearance.